At North Star 82°, we intend our learners to be equipped to become more independent, creative and competent with technology in their future lives.
Computing curriculum at North Star 82°
At North Star 82°, we intend our learners to be equipped to become more independent, creative and competent with technology in their future lives. The curriculum is designed to reflect the capabilities and future needs of our learners. Three main strands of the Primary National Curriculum for Computing form our underlying framework and are taught in dedicated terms: Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science, with an additional strand of Basic Computer Skills, which form the building blocks of future learning in computing, to ensure that key skills are overlearned.

Further information about the three strands can be found at: https://www.computingatschool.org.uk/data/uploads/CASPrimaryComputing.pdf
Our Key Stage One students will be learning skills such as:
- Using the internet to find information
- Creating digital content, such as pictures
- Giving instructions to control a digital device
Our Key Stage Two students will be learning skills such as:
- Locating and saving information offline
- Searching for information on the internet
- Solving problems (debugging) in simple instructions (algorithms)
At North Star 82°, where SMSC and PSHE form a central thread in all learning, it is our priority to ensure E-Safety is explicitly taught and overlearned to support children and families to safeguard themselves both in and out of school.
Each term, we have a specific focus in line with our E-Safety policy and the Childnet STAR SEND toolkit for E-Safety, which is taught in dedicated circle times, special PSHE lessons or forms part of the support we offer to parents and carers.
Term 1
Focus: Action
To know how to recognise risks and harmful content; to know how to report a risk
Term 2
Focus: Safe
To know how information and data is shared and used online; To know which information should be private
Term 3
Focus: The internet is a public place
Know that not every website or person can be trusted; to know that people can behave differently online (including pretending to be someone they are not). Know how to respond safely and appropriately to strangers online.
Term 4
Focus: Parental controls and filters
To provide technical support and information for parents to ensure filtering and parental controls are in place to protect children at home.
Term 5
Focus: Trust
To know how to check a source is trustworthy 2022; to know how to recognise if an online friendship is a risk 2021
Term 6
Focus: Respect
To know that online relationships and face-to-face relationships share the same principles, including the importance of respect, even when anonymous