North Star 82° — Easter 2021 Newsletter

A Message from Mrs Garland

Dear Parents and Carers,
As we approach the Easter Holidays, I cannot believe
it is April already – it is so lovely to see everyone
back at school and doing so well. Here at North Star
82° we have had an excellent start to 2021, with
many exciting and fun things happening. In my new
role as Interim Head of School, I feel very privileged to be a part of maximising all our pupils learning potential, whilst celebrating their successes every step of the way. I
am very excited to be part of the next stage on our schools journey.
With Lockdown 3.0 announced in January times have been a little different for everyone across the country, our pupils have continued to shine
and apply themselves to everything they do. North Star 82° continues to
be a safe place to learn and all our staff and pupils have shown extraordinary resilience and adaptability in making this happen. Whether your child
has been attending school, or accessing home learning we would like to
thank you all for your ongoing support and all your efforts in following the
government guidelines, keeping everyone in our community safe.
Our teachers and subject leads have been working incredibly hard this
year to ensure that all of our pupils have reached their maximum potential. We have celebrated World Book Day, Science Week, World Religions
Day, Chinese New Year, Internet Safety Week and Comic Relief.
This term we are sad to be saying goodbye to a couple of valued members
of staff. Mrs Pester is retiring after working at with us for an incredible
26 years. We wish you a restful retirement Mrs Pester, thank you for all
the wonderful work you have done for our pupils, and in supporting our
parents over the years – we will miss you. We are also saying goodbye to
Mrs Enweluzo who we will also miss. We hope to see you again soon.
Please do take a look at the (separately) attached document to check out
activities that are going on in your local area over the holidays, and including after school clubs. We wish you all a wonderful Easter, stay safe
and we will see you all in Term 5.

Best Wishes,
Jilly Garland

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