
We are committed to ensuring our school is safe and we will not tolerate bullying.We have had many lessons on anti-bullying. This includes role play activities on bullying scenarios, discussing and brainstorm what makes a good friend and what friendship looks like, as well looking at the choices we make as individuals

In our playground we have put up a friendship bench, where all students who feel that they need someone to talk to can sit and talk about any problems they have. The anti-bullying ambassadors at Woodstock always ensure that there is someone there to listen.   

Diana Award : Anti – Bullying

On Wednesday the 19th of September 2018 4 students from Woodstock and 4 students from Bristol Gateway School attended the Diana Award Anti-Bullying training at a school in HighBridge. Along with 150 students from other primary and secondary schools across the country, we looked at how we could combat bullying.

Throughout the day we participated in many activities, looking at how we can make individuals feel, how bullying impacts people, and how we can make our school a safer place.

In the morning we played some games, looking at the issue of bullying, its definition and the effects of bullying. We then had a networking session with students from other schools sharing ideas. Here we looked at video examples of bullying and discussed how we could have supported the individuals in the videos. We also participated in some role play activities, putting our role as anti-bullying ambassadors into action.

In the afternoon we put together an action plan to take back to school. At Woodstock, students have decided that they would like to put together a friendship club on a Monday lunchtime. Here students can come and discuss any issues or concerns that they may have. We are also going to make an anti-bullying board and hold an assembly so that all other students are aware of who is available to help.

Daisy-May Lewis has been awarded ‘All Together School GOLD status for 2018’

Thank you for all your hard work to reduce bullying. 

The anti-bullying ambassadors of Woodstock school have created an Anti-bullying policy in which they feel bullying is demonstrated and treated. See ”Woodstock Child Anti-Bullying policy’ below.

If you as a parent or carer have a concern regarding bullying, please contact our Head of Pastoral Care, Mrs Julie Pester, via her email 

If you would like to report bullying behaviour on behalf of yourself or another student please do so by clicking here. (

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